young professional class

This class is geared for our College, Young Professionals, and Younger families.  Our goal is to grow closer together and closer with God.  We meet in the room beside the chapel on Sunday & Wednesday nights.  March - May we will be looking at Building Stronger Relationships on Sunday Nights taught by Anthony Warnes & Brandon Watson.  Wednesday Nights classes will be taught be Scott Barham on Walk & Work Together In the Lord.  Lets Grow Together! 

Building STronger relationships (Sunday PM)

03/02/25 - Relationships Designed by God  - (Brandon Watson)

03/09/25 - Communication is Key Pt. 1 - (Brandon Watson) 

03/16/25 - Communication is Key Pt. 2 - (Brandon Watson) 

03/23/25 - Conflict Resolution Pt. 1 - (Anthony Warnes) 

03/30/25 - 5th Sunday - No Class

04/06/25 - Conflict Resolution Pt. 2 - (Anthony Warnes) 

04/13/25 - Growing Up in the Lord Pt. 1 - (Anthony Warnes) 

04/20/25 - Growing Up in the Lord Pt. 2 - (Anthony Warnes)

04/27/25 - Expectations - (Anthony Warnes) 

05/04/25 - Faith & Finance - (Brandon Watson) 

05/11/25 - Faith & Finance - (Brandon Watson) 

05/18/25 - Faith & Finance - (Brandon Watson)  

05/25/25 - Faith & Finance - (Brandon Watson) 

Walk & work together in the light

Wednesday Night Classes                  (Teacher Scott Barham) 

03/05/25 - Panel Discussion

03/12/25 - Life's Purpose

03/19/25 - Discussion Group (What does it mean to be in the Light?)

03/26/25 - Created for Good Works

04/02/25 - Focus Night

04/09/25 - Joined Together & A Mind to Work

04/16/25 - Discussion Group (Struggles to Walk in Christ) 

04/23/25 - The Feeling of Being Unworthy

04/30/25 - Be Rich in Good Works

05/07/25 - Panel Discussion

05/14/25 - Dorcas - Full of Good Works (What Can I Do?)

05/21/25 - Discussion Group - Perfecting Faith & Works

05/28/25 - Stir Up Love & Good Works