"I just obeyed the gospel, now what?" Many Christians, new and experienced, wonder what they can do to help the church glorify God. God wants more than pew packers, he wants doers (James 1:22), devoted men and women working diligently to save the world, build up the church, and show God's goodness to their community. The elders at Westhill take this fact seriously and have established WesthillWorks! as a series of ministries within the congregation. Its purpose is threefold. First, it is an organized way to fulfill the church's God-given mission. Second, it is an effective way to inform all members of the work Westhill does locally and abroad. Finally, it is an encouragement to members to get involved in the work. Christians need to plug in to a local congregation so their efforts and works can bring glory to God through the church (Ephesians 3:21). There are other works taking place at Westhill, but these are our organized ministries.